Creating Holiday Policies

From the main "Admin" tab, click on the "Holidays" link located under the Policies heading. To create a new  holiday, click on the [ADD] icon.

This screen is divided into several sections.


This section of the screen defines some general information about the Holiday Policy.

  1. Enter a Name for this holiday as you would like it to appear in the program.
  2. The Recurrence section of the screen allows you to set up how the holiday is to repeat from one year to the next.

    • The first option is used for "static" holidays. These are holidays that fall on the same month and day every year (for example, Christmas always falls on the 25th of December). Specify the holiday date from the corresponding month and date fields.
    • The second option is used for "dynamic" holidays. These are holidays that fall on the same week day of the month each year (for example, Labor Day always falls on the first Monday in September). Select the holiday date from the appropriate drop-down menus.
    • The third option is for use when you do not wish for this holiday to recur from year to year. Enter the exact month, date and year for this holiday.

Applies to Worked Hours

This section of the screen is where you define the rules that apply to  hours that employees work on days that are specified as a holiday.

  1. From the Pay Codes section of the screen, select the Base Pay Code that will apply to hours that employees work on this holiday.
  2. The Premium Pay Codes section allows you to award employees who work on this holiday with an accelerated rate of pay. No premiums are assigned by default. All Premium Pay Codes that you have created appear in the Unassigned box. Select the codes that you would like to apply to this holiday and click on the icon_assign.jpg icon. The selected codes are moved to the Assigned box.
  3. The Premium Probation Period setting allows you to define that employees do not receive the accelerated rate of pay for working on a holiday until the specified number of days has passed (from the employee's hire date). Put a check mark in the box and enter the desired number of Probation Period Days.

Applies to Generated Hours

This section of the screen is where you define the rules that apply to  hours that are automatically generated by the program on days designated as a paid holiday.

  1. Enable the Generate Hours option if you would like this policy to automatically generate holiday hours on employee Time Cards. With this option disabled, the policy will only be used to define rules on hours that are worked on the holiday, and no further setup is required.
  2. Enable the Match Worked Hours option if you would like the system to only generate holiday hours in the amount of hours worked on the holiday. The Match Worked Hours Threshold is the number of hours that employees must work before their time is matched by the system.
    Note: With this option enabled, the Receive Holiday and Worked Hours option automatically enables.
  3. Enable the Use Scheduled Hours option to award employees with holiday hours in the amount of hours that they are scheduled to work for the day. Unscheduled employees will not receive holiday hours.
    Note: When not using this option, the Awarded Holiday Hours field must be set up with the number of holiday hours to award.
  4. The Awarded Holiday Hours field is the number of hours that will be automatically generated for employees on this holiday. Enter the number of hours in "HH:MM" format.
    Note: This field is not used when the Use Scheduled Hours setting is enabled.
  5. Enable the Receive Holiday and Worked Hours option  to define that employees are allowed to receive both worked hours and automatically generated holiday hours. With this option disabled, any punches made by the employee on the date designated as a holiday will override the automatic hours generation.
  6. With the Reduce Holiday Hours by Worked Hours option enabled, the system will reduce the number of automatically generated holiday hours by the number of hours worked by the employee.
  7. A Probation Period is used when an employee is not eligible to receive automatically generated hours on this holiday until they have been employed with the company for a minimum number of days. Select this option and enter the desired number of Probation Period Days.
  8. Automatically generated holiday hours that appear on employee Time Cards are assigned to a pay code. The Base Pay Code field allows you to select which code these hours are assigned to.
  9. The Premium Pay Codes section of the screen allows you to define that automatically generated holiday hours are awarded at an accelerated rate of pay. No premiums are assigned by default. All Premium Pay Codes that you have created appear in the Unassigned box. Select the codes that you would like to apply to this holiday and click on the icon_assign.jpg icon. The selected codes are moved to the Assigned box.
  10. Select the Require Prior Shifts option if you require that employees assigned to this holiday work a specified number of their scheduled shifts prior to the holiday in order receive holiday hours from the system. Enter the desired number of Prior Shifts into the designated field.
  11. Select the Require Following Shifts option if you require that employees assigned to this holiday work a specified number of their scheduled shifts following the holiday in order to receive holiday hours from the system. Enter the desired number of Following Shifts into the designated field.
  12. Select the Ignore Required Shifts for Unscheduled Employees option if desired.
  13. If you would like automatically generated hours for this holiday to be assigned to a specific Department, click on the "No Department" link and make the desired selection from the tree-directory that appears.

When you have completed the Holiday Policy setup, click on the [SAVE] icon at the bottom of the screen.

Related Topics

  • Both worked and automatically generated holiday hours are assigned to a Base Pay Code. Only Base Pay Codes that are set up with the "Holiday" option enabled will be available for selection.
  • Both worked and automatically generated holiday hours can be assigned to an accelerated rate of pay using Premium Pay Codes.
  • Holidays can be set up to interact with employee schedules in various ways. Refer to the Scheduling topic group for more information.
