Assigning Quantities to a Job

Once you have created Quantities in the system, you must assign them to you Job Profiles.

Click on the main "Job Tracking" tab at the top of the screen, and then on either the "Jobs" link located in the row of links at the top of the screen, or on the [JOBS] icon located under the Create/Edit header.

  1. The Jobs screen displays a box for each Job Level that you have created. Use the Job Level structure to browse to the Job Profile that you would like to assign a Quantity to. With the desired Job selected, click on the "Edit" link at the top of the box. The Job Detail Information section appears at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the Quantity that you would like to assign from the Add Quantity drop-down menu, and click on the [ADD] icon. Multiple Quantities can be assigned.
  3. Once added, Quantities appear below the Add Quantity field. This section allows you to enter the Estimated Amount of Quantities for this Job.
  4. Click on the icon_delete.jpg icon to remove a Quantity from the Job Profile.

Once you have specified the desired Quantity information, click on the [UPDATE] icon to save the changes that you have made.

Related Topics

  • This topic is specific to the Quantity setup. For detailed instructions on the Job Profile screen and its functions, refer to Creating a Job  Profile.
